tester on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/555233 tester

25 years old

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June 22 2024

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Member Since:April 23, 2022

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About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
Mercius Mercy Popov

header two

Crash landing on Earth some years ago, Mercy has become an expert at remaining unseen. In a human world, the existence of non-humans is a threat to their existence, and Mercy has always had an affinity for living.

Knowing well he would never live long if discovered by the wrong people, he adapted to his new life on Earth frequents moving around in the shadows and at night, sneaking around to grab what he needs to live and taking from those who can spare to lose a few things. But on his adventures to live and try and get back home, he found a love for adrenaline and fooling humans. While he initially only stole food and clothes that he needed, one night he found he couldn't help himself and decided to break into the vault of a citizen in the 1% and make off with the treasure he found in there.

Naturally, the robbery was noticed. But when police reviewed the video footage of the vault, all they could make out was flashes of movement as if a shadow itself had broken in and made due with their precious jewels. As such, no suspect was found.

Mercy had no use for jewels and did not sell them, rather admiring the shine as the light shone through them. There were so many more colors on Earth than his home planet! So he put his return trip plans on pause and decided to mess around a bit more. He found the rich of the world to be pretentious and began to uphold himself with pride at how easy it was to swipe their precious treasures from right underneath their noses. His species has always been quick and light on their feet, and as he weighs nearly half what the typical human does, he is able to move swiftly in and out wihtout alerting most alarms.

Things began to go awry one day during a burglary when his way out was suddenly sealed behind him -- an upgrade in technology and a trap lured to catch the now infamous thief that he fell for hook-line-and-sinker. In his panic he became sloppy, and video footage started to circulate about the non-human creature captured in the vault. The images were blurry and many disregarded it as fraud or clickbait, but others still searched deeper.

Unintentionally alerting the human world to his existence, Mercy grew more cautious and reclusive. In his time on Earth he had revealed himself to so few people he could count them on both hands -- even aliens have needs -- but he visited them no longer and secluded himself inside his warehouse he called a home until the headlines began to die out. But a creature still needs to eat, and he moves warily about to keep himself going, constantly on the edge of his seat and keeping his eyes peeled for those who may be observant enough to spot him when he thinks they aren't looking.

TLDR: Alien-cat-like kleptomaniac has problems keeping his hands off sparkly objects and keeps his existence hidden in shadows and the dead of night.

personality & traits

Sly, cunning, clever and manipulative, Mercy is very good at getting what he wants and doesn't hesitate to take what he sees. He is extroverted despite his reclusive nature. If given his choice he would openly go out and socialize at clubs and bars and talk with humans just to savor their reactions and enjoy their company.
Despite this, he is also quite kind and passive, preferring to enjoy the quiet, rare moments where he can feel the sun on his face and the breeze in his hair. He loves being in the company of others and longs to socialize with somebody just so he isn't alone. He has attachment issues and can be clingy, but is loyal when his trust is earned and doesn't hesitate to speak his mind.
Tells you when you have stuff in your teeth and rates outfits honestly.

physical appareance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum..

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

the basics

Full Name: Mercius Popov.
Pronunciation: mer-see-us pahp-ov.
Nickname: Mercy.
Meaning: Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
Gender: Has a penis, but is breedable.
Identity: Uses He/Him pronouns.
Species: totally not an alien Neko~
Orientation: Gay leaning, bi-sexual.
Position: Bottom.
Age Appearance: Late teens, early twenties.
Real Age: "Rude!" Older than he looks.
Birthday: January 1st.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Black with pink pupils.
Weight: 64lbs | 29 kgs.
Height: 5'5" | 165cm.
Distinguishing Features: Cat-like ears, white fur, fluffy tail, cat-like button nose.

my everything

taken: 00/00/00
engaged: 00/00/00
married: 00/00/00
love notes: Nam in pharetra odio, quis molestie nibh. Aenean a libero et mauris luctus blandit eu in lorem. Sed mollis ante at felis pretium, et tincidunt massa blandit. Mauris ac vulputate erat. Vestibulum viverra nulla sed tincidunt auctor. Vivamus tincidunt sed nunc sit amet consectetur. Nunc aliquam ipsum odio, id laoreet tellus rutrum vitae. Etiam non efficitur nisi. Mauris cursus libero ut elit porttitor, non pretium lectus volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu felis non eros elementum finibus. Maecenas rhoncus ullamcorper tincidunt.

extra info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus. Nullam maximus lectus sit amet semper molestie. Nullam sit amet turpis mi. Suspendisse non enim quis neque pharetra ornare vel sit amet eros. Curabitur vitae turpis a sapien varius ullamcorper eget vitae arcu. Vestibulum laoreet, felis a ultricies dapibus, leo ex pellentesque lorem, et dapibus quam felis quis libero. Morbi id elementum lectus.

Nullam eu maximus enim. Phasellus vel justo porttitor, posuere mauris eu, pellentesque nisi. Duis quis tempus magna. Praesent velit ex, volutpat id mi ut, rutrum sodales lorem. Suspendisse mollis arcu lacus, a ornare nisl fermentum et. Donec tempus turpis eget sem efficitur, et placerat massa aliquet. Mauris scelerisque ut velit in pellentesque. Nam ultrices et orci sit amet fringilla. Nullam pulvinar tempus elit vel eleifend. Quisque varius quis tortor et sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sit amet velit tincidunt tellus vestibulum rutrum. Morbi risus sapien, dictum ac massa eget, ornare pulvinar orci. Sed blandit sapien justo, in elementum felis consequat non.

Donec suscipit maximus egestas. Ut ac dapibus odio, eu porttitor erat. Maecenas maximus venenatis luctus. Donec faucibus mauris vehicula enim interdum, at lobortis leo fringilla. Cras lacus purus, dignissim id dolor at, vulputate consectetur nisi. Aliquam vulputate volutpat hendrerit. Nullam in metus lobortis, egestas elit ac, hendrerit ipsum.

Sed vel sem sed nulla vestibulum dictum non in sapien. Sed mattis massa non arcu facilisis accumsan. Praesent efficitur purus eu interdum vestibulum. Donec placerat quis ligula eu tempor. Integer varius rutrum fringilla. Aenean consequat sapien sed turpis tristique commodo. Nam sit amet elit nec quam eleifend dictum non vel turpis. Curabitur ultricies vehicula arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet leo a sem lacinia, a mollis neque lacinia. Nunc id nulla accumsan purus scelerisque cursus in eget odio. Sed hendrerit maximus mi, blandit ultrices felis pellentesque id. Vestibulum ut nisi turpis. Cras suscipit, enim at suscipit blandit, ipsum leo lacinia neque, eu finibus purus dui a felis. Aliquam finibus nunc at ipsum molestie maximus. Proin tristique risus eu dui aliquam scelerisque.

Vivamus sit amet mi laoreet lectus tempor hendrerit id id lacus. Duis sem eros, gravida a mauris at, suscipit aliquet libero. Integer ut suscipit turpis. Nunc quis neque quis risus dapibus rutrum in aliquam massa. Donec blandit eros nec enim vestibulum, at egestas magna molestie. Praesent vitae posuere erat. Nullam vel elementum tortor. Sed accumsan auctor metus, a bibendum justo fringilla sit amet. Cras semper velit id ex ornare, in rhoncus ante tincidunt.

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