Boraa on - Boraa
"Just because you wear the uniform, does not make you a great soldier."

45 years old

Last Login:
June 28 2023

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     Boraa's Details
Characters: Commander Boraa
Verses: Zoids Genesis
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crossover, Manga, Spar/Fighting, Video Game,
Member Since:January 10, 2022

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   Boraa's Blurbs
About me:

Major Boraa served the Digald Empire with distinction, having trained some of the Empire's finest Warriors including Lieutenant General Zairin, the champion of the Empire. His years of dedicated service landed him several decorated honors, and respect among his peers whom he commanded with both dignity and respect.

In his older age, Boraa oversaw the city of Torafuu and gallantly defended it from various invaders within the initial stages of the Anti-Digald War. But, as the rebels grew more bold, General Jiin launched a new program which saw service in Torafuu. Boraa saw his city/fortress turn into a staging ground and airfield for the newly garrisoned Bio-Raptor Gui. An aerial zoid unit commanded by the mysterious and often dazed, Felme.

While he welcomed the new Gui units as an improvement to the combat capabilities of Digald, he did not favor Felme. He often saw her as too distant and abusive of her command, and would often remark that while she was stationed in his city, he would have the final say in any strategical say. This in turn angered Felme, whom would begin to question his own orders. However, Boraa did not falter from his beliefs in her inability to command. However, Felme was quick to note that she fell under direct from General Jiin himself, the sole leader of the Digald military, and those that defy her, defy Jiin.

Tensions would come to a head when guerilla fighters came to Torafuu with the full intent on destroying the airfields and launch bays containing the Bio-Raptor Gui. In response, Boraa approved a massive air strike on the neighboring city which housed a large number of rebel forces. But this did not deter their fighting spirit. The rebels soon launched their counter strike using a surprise tactic that saw near total destruction of the air fields.

The battle was costly for both the rebels and for Digald's forces. But, in the end, Torafuu fell into the hands of the rebel forces. Boraa was injured in the aftermath of the battle, but was nursed back to heath by the enemy pilots. In the following evening, Torafuu would fall under siege by Digald reinforcements lead by none other than Zairin himself, to which Boraa observed from the city hall. From there he began to see how evil and corrupt Digald was becoming with their potent new firepower.

Unlike most of Digald, Boraa was a man of honor and reason. When faced with exreme evil of Jiin, he questioned his own loyalty and saw that their so called "emperor" was more of a threat than a rebellion, and would agree to commit Bio Zoids to the rebellion's own effort.

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Karl L. Schubaltz

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