Ω KRAKEN. on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/bloodwater Ω KRAKEN.
"The Oceans' true depth isn't meant for understanding, only meant to be accepted as an unknown. And pray that you are not the one to incur its wrath." - Atreus C. Riva.

119 years old
Castletown, Castletown
Isle of Man

Last Login:
June 28 2024

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    Ω KRAKEN.'s Interests
GeneralWriter's Note: If anything requires explanation, I will be glad to cure one of their curiosity.

|Hydrokinesis/Water Manipulation: Mastered.
|Sea Monster Manipulation: Mastered.
|Ocean Embodiment: Mastered.
|Ocean Dominion: Mastered.
|Kraken's Maw: Mastered.
|Parasitic Energy Manipulation: Mastered.
|Portal Generation & Manipulation: Mastered.
|Elemental Arrow Generation & Manipulation: Mastered.
|Energy Arrow Generation & Manipulation: Mastered.
|Bow & Trident Summoning:
|Transformation. - One Form: Mastered.
[Positive Passives/Traits]
|Riva Physiology.
|Immunity to all levels of cold temperatures.
|Immunity to water-based assaults.
|Immunity to poisons and diseases.
|Resistance to Psionics.
|Minor Regeneration Factor.
|Kraken's Blessing.
|Supernatural attributes. - Strength, speed, endurance, senses, etc.
|Sixth Sense.
|Energy Sense.
|Mastery over the King's Trident.
|Mastery over the Oceans' Hunter's Bow.
|Mastery of CQC to Long-range combat.
[Negative Passives/Traits]
|Extreme weakness to electrical-based assaults.
|Weakness to all levels of hot temperatures.
|Prone to insanity if he goes too long without what he calls "feasting." A side-effect of the Kraken's Blessing.
|Despite his many talents, Atreus suffers from a lower-than-usual energy level. He must rely on the Kraken's power in drawn-out fights or use his Parasitic Energy to siphon more from other sources.
|Despite having a Regeneration Factor, it is minor in actual prowess. He cannot recover past minor cuts, burns, and things of the like. Anything like a lost limb would have to reattached through normal, outside methods via the help of others.
|Even though it is said Atreus can create Elemental Arrows, he is limited to only Water and Wind.
|Considering it is known that Atreus can summon his Trident and Bow, it should be noted these are the only two weapons in which he can call to his side.
|Though his Parasitic Energy is a blessing from the Kraken, its very nature makes it a double-edged sword in a manner of speaking. Using it comes with a price if he's teaming up with someone, as he cannot make it differentiate friend from foe. Thus he has to warn them of it if they don't know of it already or they will risk death without meaning to.
|The King's Trident.
|The Oceans' Hunter's Bow.
Groups: Novus Ordo Nigrum;, KINGSFALL., ,

     Ω KRAKEN.'s Details
Characters: ATREUS RIVA.
Playbys: VARIOUS.
Length: Multi Para
Member Since:May 04, 2019

|I have a bad habit of being distracted by my paintings and sleep after work during the week days, so expect replies instead on the weekends more than anything.

OOC replies are at my leisure. Thanks for understandin'.

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   Ω KRAKEN.'s Blurbs
About me:
[Basic Biography]
|Name: Atreus Caius Riva.
|Alias(es): N/A.
|Title(s): The Oceans' Hunter, The Kraken, The Apex Predator of the Seven Seas.
|Age: Centuries' worth old.
|Species: Riva.
|Home: The Seven Seas, N.O.N., Atlantis.
|Occupation: Head-Hunter and Vanguard of N.O.N.'s armies.
|Height: 6'0".
|Weight: 203 lbs.
|Body Type: Athletic.
|Hair color: Emerald Green.
|Eye color: Normal state: Sky Blue. - Partially Transformed: Pitch-black eyes with a white speck in the middle for an iris, resembling a star. - Fully Transformed: Same as when partially transformed, except now there are multiple "stars" instead of just one.
|Skin Color: Peach.
|Marking(s): Several puncture scars along both sides, closer to the hips. Same type of scars along random points of his back and chest. Varying angled scars from what can only be slashes of a sharp object along his back and chest as well, along with one on his left arm.. - A random pattern - akin to a tattoo - stretching from the fingertips of his right hand all the way up to his shoulder and a little along that side of his chest and back.
|Family: _____ Riva(Older brother by blood), Morgoth K. Rivah(Older brother by blood), Amelia Dea Rivah(Older sister through marriage, Theresa Kiana Rivah(Niece by blood), Ignatius Cadmar Rivah(Nephew by blood), Raize Imperius Rivah(Nephew by blood), Deimos Rivah(Great-Nephew by blood).
Who I'd like to meet:
The Second-Born son of the First King of Atlantis, Atreus was gifted at many things. From archery being his most known of capabilities to even the simplest of Atlantean talents, he was second only to his elder brother. In an effort to keep up, Atreus trained even among the late hours, pride alone keeping him on his feet where all else in his body and mind failed. When his brother inherited the throne, Atreus was naturally happy for him, pledging to him as he did with his father: that his trident and life are meant solely for the protection of Atlantis and its people.

For the years that followed Atreus Caius Riva fought against the enemies of both land and sea, never openly questioning his brother’s motives for the things he ordered and did. It was loyalty to a fatal point, so much that Atreus did something no other person – not even his brother – had tried in countless millennia: he sought the power of the KRAKEN! In an effort to secure a never-ending peace for Atlantis and the people, Atreus traveled to the Depths: the darkest, deepest reaches of all the Seven Seas. It was a long journey, having had to hide from monsters arguably able to crush Atlantis on their own. It was during this travel that he first encountered the Deep Dwellers, creatures of pure hatred, denizens of the Oceans that were driven from the homes in which Atlantis now rests. Being an Atlantean and of royalty, the Deep Dwellers did not hesitate to try and kill him, to which his only way to survive was to hold the unhatched offspring hostage.

It was then that the Kraken made itself known, having watched the conflict and the overall entirety of Atreus’s journey to this point. Barring the Deep Dwellers’ passage with only a single of its massive tentacles, Atreus was given refuge within its lair. Wasting no time, Atreus laid before the Kraken his intentions and reasoning, showcasing a type of love the Kraken had not bore witness to since its own creation. Pity is what he was given rather than a blessing, but that only enraged Atreus. He argued that the Kraken was selfish, unwilling to fulfill its sacred duty. This in turn made the Kraken angry as well, shaking the very land beneath and around it with just a small showing of its power.

“I WILL NOT YIELD, BEAST! HELP ME OR BY POSEIDON I SWEAR I WILL FIGHT YOU UNTIL MY DYING BREATH! YOU WILL REMEMBER ME FOR ETERNITY, FOR I WILL REND YOUR FLESH ASUNDER AND LEAVE A SCAR THAT CANNOT BE HEALED!” Bold words, but even Atreus knew the threat was an empty one. Even so, he took stance and readied for the coming conflict.

“Are you truly willing to sacrifice your very soul to me in an effort for endless peace? It will be borne of your endeavors and yours alone. When you die, what will happen then?” The Kraken’s mental voice pained Atreus so much that he nearly lost his trident forever, dropping it several layers below and falling in agony himself.

Yet amidst the torment of the question and power of the Kraken, Atreus responds, “I will find a way to live forever then! I will not leave Atlantis to chaos so long as it needs of me! Even then will I protect it should I ever be cast out! It is my home, my family’s home, the home of children and a wife I’ve yet to meet! IT IS MY UNIVERSE, I WON’T LET IT EVER FALL!!!”

The Kraken let Atreus fall deeper than his trident before catching him with another of its tentacles, a single eye peering down at his weakened body. The journey took its toll, the Kraken’s might more than anything, and he came with limited supplies. Atreus’s vision last beheld being brought even deeper than where he was, falling to unconsciousness.

He awoke to an intense rumble, a ground-breaking roar, and the cries of those he recognized.

When he leapt to his feet, trident in hand and spinning to meet the aggressor, what he witnessed was horror. The Kraken in its full fury, seemingly at least, more massive than anything he could imagine. Even three cities of Atlantis’s size could not match the divine beast’s size. He could not fathom as to why the Kraken would return him home only to see it attack, but he had not the time to ponder. He leapt forward without any thought for his own safety, outpacing even the swiftest of machines and mounts of the Atlantean army. A cry of absolute defiance flew from his lips, rage and sorrow from his heart worn on his sleeve, and he brought his trident to bear with every intention to slay the Kraken.

As one might guess: it was a fruitless endeavor. All it took was another roar to throw Atreus back, scattering the forces, and even his brother – the King – had been helpless to stop the seismic force. Yet as battered and weakened as he might have been, Atreus was the first to rise again, roaring as best he could back at certain Death.

It was then that the Kraken spoke out to all, purposely lowering its voice’s strength to avoid any pain in the people of Atlantis, “This one here defies that which is meant to be eternal. I was first made to conquer a whole cosmos, forgotten and feared when Poseidon left the mortal realm. I hold power the likes of which could shatter this planet, yet this stripling would DARE to ask to make my strength his own?!” The anger was a façade – a test – in which Atreus recognized somehow. Yet to the rest of his people it was a declaration of destruction, a declaration of the one who brought doom upon them. He heard the curses towards his being, the pleas of mercy, all of it, as if they were all right in his ear. Pained by it, he let his trident go, eyes closing.

“O’ great Kraken, forgive mine folly. I am but as a stripling, such is thine right to call me! I have made a grave error, one of which I did not mean, so please! Take my body and soul if you must, but spare the city and its people! They did not even know of this quest of mine!” His voice felt deafening, yet weak at the same time. “I will pay for my sin, but so help me . . .” He felt the power rise from deep within himself, “If you lay a single slimy tentacle on my people, I WILL TEAR THINE STOMACH OPEN AND RIP YOUR FANGS OUT ONE BY ONE, USING EACH TO IMPALE YOU!” Booming was his voice, eyes open again and full once more of defiance. “I WILL RETURN FROM THE DEAD JUST TO DRAG YOU BACK WITH ME, YOU VILE BEAST!”

All fell quiet, even the Kraken, and the King rushed to Atreus to try and silence him. What none expected was Atreus instead hurling his brother back at the city with all the might he had left in his body. A snarl emerges, eyes feral with all the negative emotions he felt at the moment. “YOU WILL NOT TAKE THIS FROM ME, BROTHER! THE PEOPLE NEED YOU, SO DO NOT BE SELFISH! I WILL TAKE THIS BEAST WITH ME, SO STAY. DOWN!”

It was the first time he had ever overpowered his elder sibling.

The Kraken laughed then, the sound overwhelming, shaking the immediate area for miles; or at least that’s what it sounded like to everyone. Showing naught, but a single eye to stare down at Atreus, it spoke once more, “You were not kidding I see. Going so far as to physical restrain your kind just to see them safe isn’t something one sees often. In fact, I haven’t seen that kind of loyalty and courage since Poseidon’s reign. One must always be willing to check any who are out of line, even if they are family. I applaud you for that bravery.”

A rush of energy flew from the Kraken’s eye and into Atreus, causing him to scream in an unholy manner; painful couldn’t describe the level of harm he was going through. “I will grant you your desired blessing, but I will also keep a close eye to make sure you do not grow corrupt with it. As such, I will rest within you, aiding you to see the dream you so desperately seek a reality,” announces the Kraken, startling the entirety of Atlantis. “However, you must suffer the full weight of my existence! If you do not you are unworthy and will DIE! SO ENDURE, MIGHTIEST OF STRIPLINGS, ENDURE!”

The screaming continued for at least days at anyone’s count until the form of the Kraken was completely gone. Every second of that blessing’s giving the realm seemed to shake in both fear and excitement, Gaia herself aware of the coming of a new era for Atlantis. When it was all over, when Atreus’s body hit the ocean floor, it was the King who personally sought to see if his younger brother still breathed. To his initial relief he did, in which all cried out in victory. How easily are the hearts of his people swayed. Who was their destroyer only days ago was then their savior the next.

If only Atreus knew of the fear and jealousy that would quickly creep into his brother’s mind, heart, and soul.

For the times to come Atreus would always be the vanguard for his people in times of conquest and defense, yet silently wrestling with the fact that he knew how greedy his brother – the King – truly was. Yet because of his love and loyalty for kin and country he managed to convince himself and the Kraken both that it was all necessary - - at least for a while. It wasn’t until a war with their Rivah family members – the Lands’ champions – that Atreus put his foot down. He would not slay family, even if they were not Ocean-bound like he and his brother.

He stood against the armies of Atlantis that had grown due to his own hands’ influence. He stood against those whom he called his universe, yet not a single one died at his hands. Pleading for Morgoth K. Rivah, his second brother – whom was also older than him – to stay his hand and his armies, he went to eventually fight against the King of Atlantis himself. The name of his Atlantean brother was struck blank in his own mind from that day, as he had lost, but the losses his King endured were too great to wage the war on their Thessalonian brethren. From that day forth, Atreus was sealed away as he could not be killed, only drawn to a stalemate given his blessing.

And also from that day forward, Atreus’s descent into madness had begun.

Some many centuries later did word come to Atreus through Council Members that his brother had long disappeared. It was only out of fear for the King’s return and Atreus’s wrath that they did not alert and release him sooner, but eventually one was able to make them realize the error of such thinking. It was a childhood friend of Atreus’s: Nera’thul.

Initially, Atreus truly did wish to lash out against his brother for the imprisonment, but he knew deep down his everlasting love for kin and country would never die. And in retaliation would he sow the seeds of discord in his own soul, more-so than his brother already had. Thus he simply opted to leave, learning of Morgoth’s Fortress-Metropolis: the organization of Novus Ordo Nigrum - - or N.O.N. for short. In his departure, he gave his people one last gift: a choice. Leave and come with him, rebuild what they had destroyed, or stay and fall further to corruption. The bridge between he and Atlantis was broken, but he could always leap across the gap when needed; and he would if it ever came to Atlantis’s survival. Despite the betrayal, he could not completely abandon his whole people; he just needed time to heal. However, upon leaving, he took the King’s Trident and his infamous bow, the Oceans’ Hunter’s Bow, with him.

Thus would he pledge both his trident and bow, all of his mind, body, and soul, and the remainder of his life to Morgoth and his new organization - - along with the people of Atlantis who came with Atreus.

This is Atreus’s story, the nitty-gritty of certain events meant to be stories for other times.

A true man of undying loyalty whose very existence is twisted by the betrayal of kin and country.

Will he ever accept the past and forgive completely? And will he ever accept becoming the Third King of Atlantis? Time will tell.

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