ᵈᵃʳᵏнєaяT on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/273597 ᵈᵃʳᵏнєaяT
Larry since 09/08/16

26 years old
South Park, Colorado
United States

Last Login:
April 21 2024

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Now that we're finally free, I get why we fought so hard. The real gift isn't freedom, it's what we get to do with it.

Larry was in the 4th grade with Cartman, Kenny, Stan, and Kyle. He wasn�t very outspoken and did not actually hang out with the group of friends. He hung out with the Vampires kids, and they all sat around together talking about their next activity. The problem was, they weren�t �real� vampires. Michael, the leader of the vampire kids was set on believing that the vampires were all spiritual beings and it was a sign of peace. However, their ways and the fact that they dressed in black (most of them anyhow) set off a red flag with the goth kids.

The goths didn�t like being compared to the vampire kids, and the vampire kids didn�t like being compared to the goths. The goths retaliated against the vampires and burned down hot topic, where the vampire kids actually got all of their belongings. With Hot Topic gone, the vampire kids were forced to leave and the Goths regained their originality once again. However, it would not be the last they have heard of the kids. Soon they would be back, and with the same styles as before.

I keep it all inside, because I would rather the monster destroy me than anyone else. Sing me something that will bring me to my knees, that will put my mind at ease.

Larry and his family had left South Park for some time. They thought that if their son had a new start elsewhere, where no one knew him. He would actually not be as weird as he had been before. What they didn�t take into consideration is that the place they had left to corrupted him even more. Larry had been in Japan for many years, and over the years he had developed new habits and got into more things that his parents didn�t like. He even found some people that were like his vampire friends at home. However, these newly found friends dabbled into some dark magics.

Over the years, Larry had learned many dark spells and arts. He still was silent and kept to himself, not really talking to anyone but the group he hung out with. When he came back to South Park, his life changed even more. He now knew what it felt like to be a real vampire, to have the warmth from your body sucked completely dry to the point you feel nothing at all. Kylo had turned Larry into a vampire, and ever since then, he had been struggling with his cravings and trying to control his urges.

Don't try to understand me. I'm too far gone.

I'm an angel, paint me with black wings.
Legal Full Name: Larry
Nicknames: Vamp kid, poser, bloodsucker, innocent, pure, virgin.
Aliases: Lar
Date Of Birth: October 31st
Place Of Birth: South Park
Current Residence: South Park Physical Race: Input Info
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9
Weight: 185
Birthmarks/Scars: moon shape on his lower left shoulder. Family Mother: unknown
Father: unknown
Sister(S): none
Brother(S): none
Other Family: unknown Relationships Sexual Orientation: unsure
Relationship Status: single
Current Relationship(S): none
Past Relationship(S): none Education High School South Park
College none
Major none
Degree none
Languages Spoken: English Employment Occupation: unemployed
Job Description: none
Employer: none Strengths

Superhuman Speed As vampires live beyond mortal time, they can phase through a small period of time, enabling them to move faster than what the human eye can perceive. This is also why vampires are said to be able to "teleport".

Enhanced Senses As a predator, the vampire is equipped with enhanced senses of hearing, smell and sight. The vampire can see as well in total darkness as humans can see in broad daylight. There are even rumors that vampires possess infrared vision allowing them to track living beings.

Hypnotism Probably their most useful weapon, vampires can plant suggestions into anyone meeting their hypnotic gaze. The strength of the suggestions depend on the difference between the vampire's will and that of the victim's. Using this power, vampires can also force victims to forget about the attack.

Superhuman Strength A vampire possesses a strength no mere mortal can match up with. They essentially have the strength of ten men. This makes them extremely hard to deal with in physical combat. Weaknesses

He doesn't hunt, most vampires survive off hunting and gaining their abilities with every human they drink; however, Larry refuses to hunt and only drinks from blood packets.

Traits: Dependable, Optimistic, Obedient, Trusting, Observant, Helpful, Loyal
Quirks: Input Info
Habits: Messes with his jacket a lot

Larry is just beyond nice, and will offer the very last item of clothing off his back to help someone out. Which can be a bad thing at times, because it tends to let people walk all over him.

I hate this town, I hate these faces, so, why do I want to be accepted. I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.
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South Park - Crossover - Comedy
Action - Horror - Adventure
Mystery - Open
Before you pull the trigger, Larry, the Vamp Kid you should know my name.
First Name
Full Name: Input info
Where we met: Input info
When we met: Input info
First Date: A little about that first date goes here. Where, when, etc.
First Kiss: A little about that first kiss goes here. Where, when, etc.
Our Song:
Input info
Title: Input info
Title: Input info
Title: Input info
Title: Input info
Title: Input info
Title: Input info

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

Allison (sαngu�nє vαmp�rє ♥)

Allison is another vampire kid, she had went to school with Larry when they were younger and had become the best of friends. When Larry was sent away he had no way of contacting her, nor did he even think she was still in South Park. When he returned, he was happy to see that his friend was still around, yet shocked to see that she was still pretending to be a vampire. He was trying to avoid turning any of his friends into vampires, but with the pressures of the goths he did just that. With a dare he had turned Allison into a real vampire, and ever since had regretted doing so. He tries all he could possibly do to be there for her and to make sure she doesn't lose control or turn into a monster. While fighting his own urges, he still manages to help her.

Rayne (ɮʟooɖʀayռɛ)

Rayne along with Allison, have been childhood friends to Larry. They went around the school being spiritual beings to all. However, he had lost contact with her as well, and upon coming back to South Park, only reconnected with her through Allison. He found out that Alli, had changed another as well, and it quickly rippled into a chain reaction. Unlike Allison, and himself. Rayne gave into her urges and desires and quickly became vicious. He worried about his friend, and even though she still could snap at any moment, he would never abandon her.

Ryan (HybridVampire)

Ryan was one of the vampire kids who went to the same elementary school as Larry. All the vamp kids were extremely close, but because of the fact that Larry was so closed off to himself, not many were as close as Allison was. However, Larry was very fond of Ryan anyhow. If something were to happen, Larry would be right there to help. Ryan was another one that was turned into an actual vampire, yet he wasn't one to turn into a monster. He was more neutral than anything. Larry doesn't have to worry much about Ryan, because he seemed to be the only one that seemed to have a level head. He was more in the neutral party.

Mike(🖤 Per'se 🦇 )

Mike was the leader of the vamp kids, he is still the leader of the vamp kids. When he was turned into a real vampire, he became vicious. He is the most out of control out of all of them, and would not hesitate to kill. Larry, no matter how hurt or how much crap he would have to deal with would never turn his back against him.

Larry has been a loyal friend and follower since elementary school. He wouldn't abandon Mike now. He just wants to keep him safe and not in harms way, and at the same time he wants to help others from Mike. A true friend through and through.

Butters (soɐɥƆ ˙ɟoɹԀ)

Butters has been around since childhood, he was one of the many people that went along with what ever we said. I felt bad that we took advantage of him, and made him believe he was a blood sucker. I wanted to make it up to him when I met him again. However, I had turned into an actual vampire before I could even get a chance. I tried to save him, I wanted him to have a better life than being a blood sucker, and he just insisted. Now he is one of us, and I feel horrible for that.

Connection Name

Blah blah blah


Kylo was the one who turned Larry into an actual vampire. It was through this bond that Larry was not able to think for himself while around him. He always found his body to do the opposite of what he actually wanted it to do and he hated it. Every time Kylo was around, it drove Larry's mind wild. Their first meeting wasn't all pleasantries either. Kylo had forcefully fed onto Larry until he was almost completely drained of blood. However, instead of letting him die, he forced Larry to drink his blood and turned him into a vampire. Larry still refuses to drink from another being though, and continues to live off packets.


Yes a goth kid. Larry had, had his falling outs with the goths for many years. However, it wasn't until recently that the goths grew fond of Larry and began calling him cool. Michael was one of them, though they didn't start that way. After Larry had become a real vampire, Michael continued to taunt him and bug him. Larry was just growing tired of it and the festering anger seemed to peer out when they were in the same room. He had bit Michael and drank from him, and after this Michael stopped taunting him. After he found out that Larry wasn't a poser anymore, and he wasn't as wild as the other vampires he saw him cool enough to even hang with them. Now Michael is considered one of Larry's friends.

Tweek(SPAZZ ☕)

Among the normal people, well sort of. Tweek was one of the people that stood out to Larry as well. He didn't go out of his way to make him look stupid, or like a poser, or do anything to trigger him in such a way. Larry never really got a chance to hang out with the blonde, but maybe the future would change that.

No One

blah blah blah.

Connection Name

Blah blah blah

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     ᵈᵃʳᵏнєaяT's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Friends,
Orientation: Not Sure
Hometown:South Park
Body type:Slim / Slender
Characters: Larry
Verses: South Park
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Any, Comedy, Crossover, Drama, Horror, Open,
Member Since:September 08, 2016

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ᵀʰᵉ Canadian

яαiѕiи ℺ueeN

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