11/26/2023 09:31 PM 


{This is a working list, so things will probably be added as I develop more ideas.}

♡Sometime after the countries divorced and Hungary gained her independence, she moved to a home deep in the rural areas of the country. Her true nature was hidden, as she just wanted to live as the normal, mortal people do for as long as she could. While everything was still at peace and she wouldn’t be whisked away on political business

♡She remains close friends with Poland, and encourages him in his hobbies. She often lends him dresses when she sees him at the world conferences. There’s a photo album she keeps of photo shoots they’ve taken part in along with Ukraine.

♡Elizabeta has PTSD from the several wars her country has fought in. Because of her strength, and loyalty to her country, she always insists on putting herself in the front lines. All the way from her youth fighting off larger countries like Turkey, her own revolution, to the guns and bombs of the world wars. Often this manifests in episodes of anxiety and dissociation. Especially when hunting. The smell of gun smoke and blood can set off an episode lasting for days. Nobody will see her come in or out.

♡Germany owes her money after losing in over a dozen arm wrestling competitions. And poor Ludwig always thinks he’ll win this time.

♡While she’s good at most housekeeping, womanly tasks, she spends most of the spring months knee deep in mud and dirt and stained with grass. The wild horses that run free in the mountains seem to know her, and will allow her to run after them and ride along the open fields. The especially loyal ones will even show up in the dead of winter, knickering for treats at her window.

♡Her wedding ring from Austria is kept in a jewelry box in her bedroom. She couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it.

♡Her favorite flowers are lilies of the valley. They’re highly poisonous, but beautiful. The sort of thing that couldn’t be touched or tainted without dire consequence.

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