01/23/2021 04:01 PM 

Antonia Lebeau Kino

Full Name:  Antonia Lebeau Kino
Date Of Birth:  July 5th
Place Of Birth: School for the gifted 
Ethnicity: Reaper/ mutant
Hair Color: gray into reddish pink into blue teal
Eye Color:  teal blue
Height: 5ft 7
 Mother:  Samantha Devoris
Father: Gambit Lebaeu
Sexual Orientation: 
Relationship Status:  Married to Hayate Kino
Children: Son(s):

Antonia story isnt a tragic one, isnt terrible beginning .. it was honestly normal.. well as normal as a mutant story can be, she was born to a man well known his name Gambit, he fell for a reaper who only wish was to have a normal life. her name is Samantha but most call her Sammy. in the beginning her family life was great she was trained with both her parents in her powers but in all honesty Tonia only wanted a normal apple pie life. she went to school and by the time she hit highschool that was when her family life was falling apart.

her father wanted nothing to do with her,  he was never around as she got older and it turn out he had another family on the side for years now. it torn her mother apart. it was then That that her mother packed them up and moved as far away from her father as they could hiding from him when he would get drunk and try to come back into their life. her mother worked many hours becoming a made while Tonia studied her way through highschool and into collage. She wanted to do music anything she could she even produced her own album that did sell, but she never did come a star from it. Instead she open a music shop, if she couldnt do music she would help others realizing their dreams.

during that time she met a girl name Laila Prime whom loved music as much as tonia did. through her she met a man name Hayate who quickly became her best friend. Tonia didnt have many friends infact she tried to shut her self out from the world but Hayate never allowed her to stay in the dark for to long, dragging her into the light if he had to. Tonia found her self loving him more then just a friend but she knew she couldnt have him he was married after all.

it was late one evening he had called her upset because a fight at home, being that he was her best friend she went to him to try and help in any way she could after all he was there for her with all her problems she would do the same, that night they had kissed and from that it is all history, it wasnt long after that his marriage came to a end and he finally saw Tonia and shared the same feelings for her. their relationship moved quickly and are now married, traveling and having the time of their life.

tonia is the kinda girl that will give you the shirt off her back and help you at any cost, she lieks to have a good time and enjoy life, she would make a great friend if only you got to know her. but dont cross her like the reaper that is inside she will rip your soul out if she has to protect those she love


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