Kazikli Voyvoda on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/itamimomo Kazikli Voyvoda

34 years old
United States

Last Login:
May 30 2024

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Characters: Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler, Dracula
Verses: Historical,Supernatural, Mortal Instruments, Etc
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Historical, Horror, Open, Psychological, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:May 15, 2013

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   Kazikli Voyvoda's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
Vlad Tepes,the lone bloody war lord is known for the exceedingly cruel punishments they imposed during their reign. The Voyvoda was born in Transylvania soon becoming future Voivode of Wallachia.At the age of five, young Vlad was also initiated into the Order.The Byzantine chancellor Mikhail Doukas showed that, at Targoviste, the children of boyars and ruling heirs got a distinguished education from either Romanian or Greek scholars, coming from Constantinople. The young royal learned for sure; combat skills, geography, mathematics, science, language; Romanian, Latin, Bulgarian (church Slavic) and the classical arts and philosophy Over the years Vlad developed three aims for Wallachia: to strengthen the country's economy, its defense and their own political power. Taking measures to help the peasants' well being by building new villages and raising agricultural output. Understanding the importance of trade for the development of Wallachia, Vlad even helped the Wallacian merchants by limiting foreign merchant trade to three market towns: Targusor, Campulung and Targoviste. When it came to power, Vlad ruled with the intention of exacting revenge on the boyars for killing their father and eldest brother. Though Vlad took nearly a decade to do so, they fulfilled this vow, completing the task on an Easter Sunday around 1457.

In the West, Vlad has been characterized as a tyrant who took sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing enemies. The number of their victims ranges from 40,000 to 100,000. According to the German stories the number of victims killed was at least 80,000. In addition to the 80,000 victims mentioned they also had whole villages and fortresses destroyed and burned to the ground. Vlad's fierce insistence on honesty is a central part of the oral tradition.The reputation of Vlad Tepes was considerably darker in the Western Europe than in the Eastern Europe and Romania. In the West, Tepes had been characterized as an exceedingly cruel madman.Impalement was Tepes preferred method of torture and execution.Eluding to the famed "Forest of the Impaled", where Vlad III was alleged to have lined the roadways with thousands of impaled Turkish soldiers,one of the most famous woodcuts of the period shows Vlad feasting in a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brasov, while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims. This place was famously known as the Forest of the Impaled. In this forest is a story of Vlad's "sense of humor" a servant was holding his nose and Vlad said to him while feasting "Why do you do that?" The servant replied, "I cannot stand the stench" Vlad immediately ordered him impaled on the highest stake and said, "Then you shall live up there where the stench cannot reach you."
NAME: Vlad Tepes III
ALIASES: The Impaler
PLACE OF BIRTH: Sighisoara, Romania
EYE COLOR: Brandeis
SCARS: none
OCCUPATION: Kazikli Voyvoda
VOICE: Lorraine Broughton
MALE VOICE: Sebastien Stan
DISORDERS: Renfield's syndrome
ADDICTIONS: Blood and Combat, Strength and Will
DISLIKES: Weakness, Devout faith, Sloth, Ignorance
LIKES:Immorality,Covetous behavior,Peccancy,Corruption

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Kazikli Voyvoda has 25 friends.


The Shattered


π•–π•π•§π•–π•Ÿ 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦π•₯π•ͺ

Kazikli Voyvoda's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 60 comments (View All | Add Comment)

Dec 2nd 2021 - 12:50 PM

Mhmm. Trying to anyway. I rp mostly on discord these days with a few exceptions on ani

Sep 4th 2021 - 12:06 PM

//OOC: Mass sending of a message here. Trying to come back form a hiatus. Gods I miss writing. So Im going through my friends and sending you all the same fuggin message. Lets get soemthing started. Or chat or something. Im down to just send or recieve a random starter. Lets see where this can go hm? Not really the time for a new story? Cool we cna chat or I can f*** off! lol either way. I do also have discord. Feel free to ask about it. Im also trying to revive an old server of mine thats currently like a small book club of sorts. if you love books and readng, than its just a comforable place to chat and nerd out.~
R e n

Nov 14th 2019 - 9:41 AM

//Sure, I will not ruin all the fun when you went through the trouble of setting up such an interesting dynamic. Noch is an extremely powerful being but the majority of his powers are nullified while he is trapped on Earth so I can easily make it where he would not pick up on that. c: Besides, as I said, interesting dynamic. It should make it more fun. c:
R e n

Nov 10th 2019 - 11:11 PM

//Sounds good. Take your time. I usually do not delete people for being mute unless it is clear they are not interested in interacting or if it has been like a month or more. Simply because I only log in/am active in any way for the purpose of writing. My point is, I am reasonable. I understand reality is real for most of us. I myself am slow to reply so I feel it and I am fair.Β  I do hope you feel better. I wish the weather would make up its mind. This back and forth is getting everyone sick.Β Β 
R e n

Nov 7th 2019 - 6:22 PM

//I am game to discuss if just jumping in and plucking through it is not your style. I have some posted RP scenario's I have posted up. If none of those spark your inspiration perhaps you can tell me some scenarios you are seeking or have on your mind.Β  It is not too often people respond to my greeting so since you are up to plotting I will give your profile a fair read. See if that will give me some inspiration for scenarios.Β 

By the way, thank you for understanding.Β  \\m//
R e n

Nov 7th 2019 - 4:28 PM

❝What is life without substance? ❞

The clicking of Elianoch's middle finger and thumb was slow, mimicking the mockery of an unenthusiastic clap, as he hoped the noise would create a reaction. His latex gloves shimmered under florescent light which only lit theΒ  very center of a grey windowless room. Elianoch was leaning back in a wooden chair with a matching table in front of him, the only item illuminated by light. On the other side of the table, handcuffed to a similar chair, sat a stranger whose face was shroud in darkness. How had this person come to be in this vacant damp interrogation room, sitting across from this...man?Β 
Elianoch leaned forward as his honeysuckle tone touched the thin air between them,
"Hello! Good morning! So happy you could be with me today. I was starting to get worried that you would never wake up." He smiled. His grey skin cracking at the corners of his eyes to help them parallel the movement of his mouth. Both smiles were...too perfect. Too friendly.
"Can I get you anything?" A question that was only safe on its surface.

-Β  -Β  -

OOC: Thank you so much for adding me, accepting me, or just downright already being on my list. I am seeking some good co-writers. So hard to come by these days unfortunately, I am hoping I found a serious writer in you, In truth, I do not have much time to devlop ooc connections or to interact through chatting. I am really only able to get online 2 times a week to reply. I would say my time spent online (in general) is maybe 4 hours a week. I say this to give you a bigger picture of how slow I am, but I promise I will be diligent in serious replies and our stories should prove to be worthwhile. If you are interested in what I have described and understood my limited availability then let me know and let us begin!

P.s. Feel free to respond IC to my little intro/starter here. It might be fun for your character to be a hostage. >)
Ξ© π…π‹π€πŒπ„π’π‚πˆπŽπ

Oct 19th 2019 - 7:54 PM

Many apologies for not answering you sooner. Yes, I am planning on participatingΒ in your group. And hash out some stories between us and other members within the group. Hopefully, I can get my drive back to write as soon as possible before the end of this month. Once again I do apologies if it seems like I have no interests or I'm wasting your time. That isn't my attention at all, just been hard to my drive for writing going again.
Unlimited Blade Works

Oct 19th 2019 - 2:31 AM

Tis no problem and all sorry for the late reply work and all, pretty sure we met before.
I will become.

Oct 2nd 2019 - 12:05 AM

How precious time is when it works against us.

''I must express gratitude to you, for finding your way here, when it was I that took the first glimpse into your world. So many of us are busy living in our own paradox, that we hardly have a moment to humble ourselves, let alone say hello -- and you appear all the busy. A good busy. I had the opportunity to look over some of your group writings. You have a style of writing that might potentially bring out the best in my muses' brooding. I am sure we will encounter one another when the time is right. Whenever you are ready, I am here...? Oh, where are my manners. My name is Uraal. Uraal Christian Epoch. What might I call you?''
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Sep 1st 2019 - 9:06 PM

will hunt u down rn
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