玖蘭 樞 on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/darkbloodedprince 玖蘭 樞
"Let the winds of your burdens carry on to better days, let the feeling that's left behind grow into something sweeter... Welcome..."

119 years old
Mizuho, Tokio

Last Login:
May 16 2024

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Basic Information. bring me back to the beginning again

Full Name:Kaname Kuran

Nickname/Alias:Kaname-sama (by most) Oniisama (by Yuuki) Kuran (by associates)

Meaning:Kaname means "pivot"/"center." Kuran means "nine orchids" because ku means "nine" and ran means orchids.

Fun fact: the kanji for Kaname is very similar to that of "hitsugi" (coffin), and even the mangaka herself mixed up the two in some typos.

Origin: Kaname had forgotten his original name and was given "Kaname" by the hooded woman, he was named after the village they'd encountered.
Title: Kuran-sama or Kaname-sama respectively.
Pet Name: Kana-chama
Orientation: Heterosexual
Real Age:10K +
Age Appearance: 23
Birthday: n/a
Birthplace: Redacted
Astrological Sign: (Western)
Zodiac Sign: Rooster
Species: Pureblood Vampire Class A
Ethnicity: Asian Blood Type: tba
Preferred Hand: ambidextrous
Eye Color:Chocolate&wine
Hair Color:brunette
Hairstyle: semi-long, wavy locks in perpetual disarray.
Skin Tone: Naturally quite fair.
Body Type: Tall, lean, strong.
Distinguishing Features:Besides the crimson eyes and fangs?
Health: above standards.
Energy: depends.
Memory: a little spotty.
Senses: sharp as blades
Allergies: does the sun count?
Phobias: His biggest fear is the inability to save the one dearest to him. As it has already happened once before.
Addictions: most likely blood.

BELOVED. My hope is anchored on the other side

Connections Of many and few, those closest are a handful.

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     玖蘭 樞's Details
Here for:Networking, Relationships,
Body type:Slim / Slender
Occupation:President of the Night Class/ Dorm Leader/ Council Overseer
Characters: Kaname Kuran
Verses: Vampire Knight, Vampire Knight Guilty, Open Verse
Playbys: Kuran Kaname
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Crossover, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller/Suspense,
Member Since:March 18, 2014

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   玖蘭 樞's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:

Kaname Kuran
And it all just sounds like poison on my ears. The background noise makes your voice so hard to hear.

Canon!Kaname Kuran is the progenitor of the Kuran family bloodline. He lived alongside another mysterious ancestor known as The Hooded Woman. This woman tossed her heart into a blazing furnace in order to forge weapons that are capable of eliminating vampires. Artemis Scythe, The Bloody Rose Desert Eagle, and all the other weapons used by the Hunter's Association were crafted from The Hooded Woman's sacrifice. Soon after, her body cracked and shattered into a million pieces. Having witnessed this, Kaname put himself into an eternal slumber, seeing no more reason to live. Decades later, he was forcibly awakened. He'd decided at some point to become the next parent of weapons.
Kaname was "reserrected" by his descendant, Rido Kuran, who had sacrificed the life of an innocent baby (Yuuki's biological brother, also named after Kaname). Rido had intended on devouring Kaname, however, this backfired, as the starved ancestor attacked and drained him. Rido was later held by the council for protection.
Due to his weakened state after being revived, the Pureblood ancestor transformed himself into that of an infant and suppressed his memories, entrusting his life in the hands of Haruka and Juri Kuran, who raised him in place of the son they'd lost.

As children, Kaname and Yuuki shared a very close relationship, even going so far as to promise they would marry and live a life like their parents. Kaname was not especially outgoing around children his own age. He first met Hanabusa, Akatsuki, and Ruka as children, but they did not form bonds until several years later after the deaths of Haruka and Juri. Kaname was willing to waive his original plan in order to live with Yuki for all eternity.
At the start of the story (unbeknownst to Yuuki), ten years ago, Rido had finally recovered from Kaname's initial attack. He trespassed into their home, intending to take Yuuki, for his own personal gain. He failed in doing so, however he did manage to kill his brother Haruka. Kaname confronted Rido, who revealed that despite Kaname's desire to kill him, he was simply unable to because Rido was the one who had awoken Kaname from his slumber and was therefore his master. Instead, Kaname attacked Rido for a second time, severely wounding him by tearing his body into pieces, leaving him alone again to recover.
Their mother, Juri's, last wish was for Kaname to protect Yūki. Ultimately sacrificing herself by putting a sealing spell over her daughter. Basically suppressing her memories and vampiric nature thus turning her human all for the hope of a happier, normal life for her.
Kaname picked up Yuuki and took her to Kaien Cross, while he himself was taken in by Takuma's grandfather, a man whom he distrusted. During Yūki's childhood, Kaname frequently visited her and remained a steady presence in her life. After Kaien Cross built the Academy, he agreed to let Kaname take over the Night Class, having ultimate rule over the vampires who attended, but only so that he could stay near Yuuki and protect her from afar.
Yuuki and Kaname have a complicated past that goes back to when they were children. Kaname loves Yūki very much, though he often treats her like a child and is very overprotective of her to the point of enforcing her into dresses like some kind of doll. Changing who she was to back when they were younger, making her get her nails done, wear fancy shoes, even disagreeing with her choosing to cut her hair. When she was reawakened as a vampire, she refused to hunt for prey and stubbornly rejected her vampiric nature for the past six months of living under the Kuran manor. Her actions left Kaname worried. He has also tried to make her call him just Kaname instead of Onii-sama or Kaname-Senpai. Kaname takes a gamble and decides to reveal the truth of her real brother and also about his history. After learning the truth, Yuki begins to see Kaname as someone more than just a brother and admired savior, but as her fiance. Yuki wishes to start over with Kaname after she knows his secret and Kaname agrees.
Kaname often treated Yuki as if she needed extra protection despite being the very Pureblood that he is. Though she was his only exception to everything, he never fully made her as happy as she should have been from the start. Through drinking her blood and hearing her expreas half of her heart is still with Zero, it has only made it more obvious to him with whom she truly belongs to.but Despite this, her attempts at remaining at his side only shows its more for his sake than her own will. He reminds her that, because of her feelings for Zero, she might have to suffer forever. Kaname originally didn't mind waiting until her heart changed for him, but it grew on him to think if the path of a vampire was right for her. During this time, Kaname worked ridiculously hard to establish laws to maintain peace between the vampires and the hunters, in order to give Yuki the freedom to roam freely around in the outside world without putting her life in any danger. From what danger is yet to be fully established. However with the reappearance of Zero, Yuki's heart wavered. Kaname decided to take a step back and put them through a test. Kaname told her to wait at the Kuran Mansion for him until he returned to start anew together. However, Yuki defied him and it resulted in his commence in executing the original plan of the Ancestress, eliminate all Purebloods. He began doing the things that would make Yuki hate and doubt him even though he cherished and loved her more than anything in the world. After Yuki has unfolded the truth behind the series of events and has successfully caught Kaname and confronted him once again, the two of them made up after he assured that he will not leave her, and they both make love in the 89th Night. At the end of the manga, Kaname's words greatly hinted that he never wanted her to revert back to a vampire. He just wanted to watch over her until the time came for him to depart from her. However, she who has lived as a human has became a radiant existence to him that gave him hope to keep living this timeless eternity with her.
Due to the fact that he never allowed her to go visit her friends, Zero or have any form of communication with the outside world as well as always drinking large amounts of blood from her, many of the fans consider their relationship to not be one of romance but one of abuse. They weren't far off. Kaname even realized it himself and noted that she's never smiled from her heart when she was with him, implying that she wasn't truly happy with him but that because she always felt like she should repay him for saving her life as well as always feeling inferior to him shows that although she loved him, she never felt like they were equals.
Kaname tears out his heart to the furnace, for the vampire hunter weapons to continue to be strong again. Yuki goes to him asking him in tear why he had to do that, and that she didn't want to be in a world where she could no longer hear his voice. In her moment of grieve as Kaname dies, she says that she wished she was never born, so that the Kaname of today wouldn't have to go through this. He tells her that he doesn't regret any of the mistakes that he has made, and that she mustn't say that, since it makes it sound like he didn't receive any happiness. He says "It's not that I didn't receive any happiness, because there's a light at the end of the journey." Before he "dies" he says he also has to atone for the mistakes that he has committed by his own choice alone.
Kaname tells both Yuki and Zero that he wants them to be together saying, "I've always been squinting my eyes at the radiance... That's why I've come to understand... You two should be together... I want you two to be together" as Zero and Yuki are shocked by his statement and he finally falls into a deep sleep, with Yuki cries. Yuki is in shock after his "death" and shows no emotion when Zero reveals his feelings for her. He tells her that she can take her time, years or even decades, but that she must say her feelings for him eventually when she has overcome her grieve and guilt over the actions that Kaname decided to undertake.
A thousand years have passed, and Yuki reveals that she had a life full of happiness with Zero and her children (fulfilling Kaname's wishes at the time of his death). Yuki, in the last pages of the manga, reveals that although they found a method to turn a vampire into a human due to his research, he wouldn't be able to wake up from his eternal sleep nor endure the effect of the "treatment". Yuki, instead, decides to give her life to Kaname to turn him into a human.
In the final chapter, it was revealed that Yuki had a daughter with him, named Ai, whom gives him a message with her half-sibling (child of Zero and Yuki) from Yuki (their mother) to Kaname that said, "I want to give to you, whom I love, the world that I saw when I was a human". As Yuki gives her life to turn Kaname human, she reflects, "The long and endless journey... You, who existed with that thirst, may your thirst be quenched." Kaname finally says after the message and looking into the light and touching a butterfly, "What a beautiful light..."

Alternate Universe Kaname Kuran is closely in-line with his Canon portrayal except for key differences: He isn't inferior to Rido's will over being "resurrected" by his descendant as that makes no sense. Kaname still works as a President and Leader of the Vampires and the Night Class, he is still protective of Yuuki and cares for her but his love for her is strictly platonic, that is his descendant after all. His "true" love, Hatsue (The Hooded Woman) sacrificed herself in order to create the first gen Vampire Hunter Weapons. And she is the one person he's ever given his heart to. For someone else to gain such a thing would have to convince him to. Good luck with that.
Kaname is more focused on keeping Yuuki safe and striving for coexistence between mortal and vampires alike. He is far too occupied for trivial teenage dramas and would rather keep out of it. He tends to favor company with Takuma Ichijou and the Night Class during down time or keeping to his office where he works constantly.
When Rido does come around eventually to stir up trouble, Kaname is quick to act in putting him down permanently. If any other Pureblood attempts to cause trouble, he will handle them unless they are of equal measure to him, there wouldn't be any issues there.
When Yuuki shows signs of her dormant Vampire Gene awakening, he would handle it better than his canon-counterpart, as for the details it's to be determined via Rp with a Yuuki Muse.

I can feel it building up inside,
The images that play inside my mind.

Yuuki Kuran ʚ The Gentle Princess ɞ

Kaname protects Yuuki as she has lived her entire 15 years of life as a mortal with no idea of just how fragile she truly is amongst vampire kind. Though she is often protected by Zero and looked after, he always kept an eye on her. And when the time came for her to be reawakened as a Pureblood, he would still need to bring her to the Kuran Manor so he can show her how to properly handle her newly awakened vampire abilities as well as feed her his Pureblood. Unlike his canon-verse he wouldn't disallow her from socializing or visiting her friends, as long as precautions are held in place and she was in no danger. Other than this, he would entreat her as a young fledging vampire, train her and give her a better footing in the vampire world.

Zero Kiryu The Knight - 00/00/0000

Kaname and Zero have misliked each other since their first meeting. One could say that they are arch nemesis of one another due to their contrasting perspectives. They both show very strong feelings towards Yuuki and envy each other from time to time. They also share a limited amount of tolerance to one another when Yuuki's safety is questioned. The primary reason for their intense mislike for each other is for Zero's ability to be closer to Yuuki and that connection they share that Kaname himself can never obtain.
Upon discovering the Kiryuu Hunter family had the rarest of twins amongst them, the wheels began to spin in the then young Pureblood's mind. He'd sought out the Kiryuu twins for the sole purpose in their potential to become highly powerful and lethal weapons (against vampires) It is also why he chose Zero to be by Yuuki's side. What better a shield to protect her than the Hunter himself?

He'd learned of Shizuka Hio's escape from her trap, how she located the hunters responsible for killing her beloved and nearly destroyed them—save for the twins.

Taking one for her whims, biting the other and leaving him to fate's hands. The one left behind turned out being Zero Kiryuu—only then did the surviving hunter harbor the greatest of abhorrence toward vampire kind—when he was forced into one. It were these critical events in his life that set the hunter down the path Kaname had then planned; stirring the hate: destroying vampires. Initially it had become the case, develop Zero's skills, ensure his strength, even going as far as providing blood to forgo the end-game. Assist in the destruction of Rido. There is still a grander purpose set for the hunter, yet to come.

Ultimately, Kaname wants for Zero to always provide for Yuuki. Defend her, become her ally since it isn't something he can accomplish himself as he is now.

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ʚ玖蘭 優姫ɞ

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玖蘭 樞's Friends Comments
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Dec 31st 2016 - 4:55 PM

I'd like to thank you for accepting me as your "friend"
I'd love to get a storyline or even a bit of how do you say
"getting to know one another"
Whenever you see fit.�
Until then.

Jul 6th 2015 - 4:07 PM

CheshireBelle; Hi there! My name is CheshireBelle! :D

Bubbles; My name is Bubbles :o

CheshireBelle; We run this joint and wanted to say hi and thanks for allowing us to be friends :D We have some simple rules on our page and blog along with mini character bios/infos~

Bubbles; Character roleplay status are all located on the profile.
�Feel free to chat and what not with any of us and hopefully we can roleplay someday soon(:
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