Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/500477 Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r

Original Character,Uta no prince-sama.

You add you talk/No mutes


No Drama/No er*t*cs/No haters, or bullies.

Selective on adds/Men mainly/Girls are welcome


23 years old
Okinawa, Okinawa

Last Login:
May 02 2024

View: Photos | Blog

   Contacting Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r

    Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r 's Interests
The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Likes & Dislikes ❐ Bananas
❐ Pizza
❐ Pushy people
❐ Onions

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Ruki Kurosaki is very much talented like his famous father all over Japan and now the world, like his older twin brother they have taken his fathers career as idols in the entertainment world of music, and the arts.  Ruki is very talented and a genius both in and out of school, still learning from his mentor being his own father at times.  Ruki is more of gentle, kind hearted towards people and does he cares the most wen his not singing he takes on different jobs besides writing his own music. He also works as a doctor in a local hospital to help out does in need wen he has the time to do so in his off seasons. Ruki is easy to get a long and he could be a little flirty at times with his fans and his friends wen they are out having a good time.  Ruki can also pick up the punk attitude wen he gets jealous, or being provoked on porpoise by others he can easily put someone down on the floor with a single punch that's one side of him Ruki doesn't show to anyone as he tries to keep hidden as hard as he can, that's why he stays out of confrontations as much as possible, other then that he is very peaceful towards others.  Ruki focus on his many careers apart from making the world and people happy with his singing he loves to make new friends, and perhaps a new relationship with someone as kind, and strong as he.

Character Traits Traits: Music Genius
Quirks: Good at everything
Habits: Waking up and making pancakes

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Full Name: Ruki Kurosaki
Nicknames: Input Info
Aliases: Input Info
Date Of Birth: July 24
Place Of Birth: Miyagi Prefecture
Current Residence: Tokyo Japan
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Japanese-Italian-American
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 170bl
Birthmarks/Scars: None/None

Morbi id ligula bibendum, elementum elit vel, tincidunt magna. Nulla sollicitudin justo pellentesque malesuada ultrices. Cras faucibus massa sed purus efficitur ornare. Sed fermentum dolor odio, id dignissim ligula consectetur vitae. Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Mother: Nano
Father: Ranmaru Kurosaki
Sister(S): None
Brother(S): Shunichi Kurosaki
Other Family:Input Info
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Input Info
Current Relationship(s): Input Info
Past Relationship(s): Input Info

Praesent semper neque nisi, eget sagittis augue dignissim at. Aliquam sit amet lectus sit amet risus venenatis condimentum. Quisque at ligula accumsan sapien vehicula condimentum. Etiam bibendum ornare ipsum nec tincidunt. Duis elementum, velit aliquet scelerisque pellentesque, orci odio dapibus enim, sed venenatis metus lacus sit amet tellus. Pellentesque elementum ultrices risus, eget maximus mi. Pellentesque faucibus nulla diam, quis porttitor elit ullamcorper at. Nam cursus odio massa, a accumsan sapien facilisis ut. Vestibulum malesuada rhoncus massa ac pharetra.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam et viverra nibh. Fusce faucibus, orci in sollicitudin eleifend, risus libero porta nulla, in mattis felis ex a velit.

High School Input Info
College Input Info
Major Input Info
Degree Input Info
Languages Spoken: Japanese/English/Italian
Occupation: Idol/Actor/Writer/Doctor/Student
Job Description: Idol
Employer: Shinning Entertainment

Mauris ullamcorper, metus eget vulputate sodales, nisl massa blandit libero, id fringilla lectus felis vel ipsum. In dictum pulvinar pulvinar. Donec auctor, tellus quis ornare scelerisque, mauris tellus rhoncus libero, nec dapibus lectus enim id metus. Vivamus sem sapien, interdum non convallis a, convallis faucibus elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed quam augue, varius viverra placerat sit amet, pharetra in eros. Nam porta mattis libero, in eleifend ante laoreet ut. Suspendisse congue aliquam tristique.

Nunc cursus dui nec orci elementum, non finibus turpis dictum. Cras vitae tortor libero. Morbi faucibus eleifend ante sit amet ullamcorper. Proin tempus lacinia massa, ut congue purus volutpat ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce varius vehicula lectus, et pulvinar lorem eleifend sit amet. Nullam malesuada luctus massa vitae accumsan. Morbi at suscipit mauris. Proin quis tempus ante. Etiam eu accumsan est, et suscipit justo. Aliquam dignissim et sapien at condimentum.

Title here

Nunc cursus dui nec orci elementum, non finibus turpis dictum. Cras vitae tortor libero. Morbi faucibus eleifend ante sit amet ullamcorper. Proin tempus lacinia massa, ut congue purus volutpat ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce varius vehicula lectus, et pulvinar lorem eleifend sit amet. Nullam malesuada luctus massa vitae accumsan. Morbi at suscipit mauris. Proin quis tempus ante. Etiam eu accumsan est, et suscipit justo. Aliquam dignissim et sapien at condimentum.

Additional details or a quote goes here. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam et viverra nibh. Fusce faucibus, orci in sollicitudin eleifend, risus libero porta nulla, in mattis felis ex a velit.

Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Verses ❐ Idol
❐ Uta Prince-Sama
❐ Crossovers
❐ OC Writing Style ❐ Multi-para
❐ Paragraph Dues ❐ Starters (0)
❐ Comments (0)
❐ Messages (0) Notices On vacation? Comment rp only? Put some notes here.

Ruki Kurosaki son of famous Rockstar and Idol member of Quartet Night , and rocker Nano also twin brother of Shunichi Kurosaki they are not identical twins and he was born a few minutes after his older brother and his a bit shorter then Shunichi. Ruki resembles his father Nanos looks being blond, and have green eyes but doesn't share his rude attitude, but he does have his kind, gentle love for others like his father Ranmaru and he inharest both of their music talents and he is a genius in school. He attended the same Academy for the music, and arts like his father Ranmaru.  Ruki is now being mentor by a senior teacher meaning a pro-Idol is to show him the ropes on how to be an idol and that Sinior was his on father Ranmaru Kurosaki. Ruki and his brother went to live with his father Ranmaru after their dad Nano disappeared a few months after their divorce and left them behind his boyfriends place, soon after that Ranmaru took them to his home were he lives with his new finance Keung, and they were happy to be living with their father Ranmaru, and Keung welcoming them boy home, as they settle in their new home they work hard to make it as idols and have a place of their own .

Ruki loves sweets, soft drinks, pizza, hanging out with friends, and doing his homework as he is smart and top of his class, Sunichi some times makes tease him about it but that's what brothers behave with one another, they get along pretty good and they take care of each other, always behaving for their father and fiance being a family.  Ruki is the goofy one one out of the two but he can be pretty scary if someone messes with his friends and family, and like their father they share a love for their base guitars and bananas.....

Sed vitae aliquet enim. Vestibulum massa velit, interdum vel ante nec, pellentesque porta diam. Aliquam at felis sed tellus tempus sagittis. Maecenas aliquet id lorem dignissim tristique. Aliquam hendrerit, turpis vitae vehicula eleifend, nulla dolor varius ligula, quis eleifend arcu est quis enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus mattis felis nec arcu imperdiet, non congue massa dapibus. Quisque sed sapien at lorem sodales auctor at tempor erat. In non egestas ipsum, in tempus metus. Nam ultrices ac justo quis aliquam. Etiam eleifend augue vel mi tempus, a tincidunt ipsum tempor. Mauris ullamcorper, nisl sed tincidunt faucibus, tellus elit elementum orci, sit amet lobortis sem metus non eros. Aenean vel interdum enim. Sed aliquet risus ex, nec pellentesque purus euismod non. Curabitur egestas libero sit amet est porta auctor. Nulla elit velit, hendrerit lobortis mollis ac, faucibus efficitur erat.
Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout

My music is love
The main connection image is ONE photo. You do not need to crop it into three individual images. This layout will do that for you. Upload a 600px width by 300px height photo and add the url for that pic in the background-image:url(HERE) section above.
Sousuka Yamazaki
How we met: Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.
First Date: Input
First kiss: Input

Sousuke is reserved and stoic, even intimidating, but is actually quite kind. He takes a dry and harsh position on swimming toward himself and those around him. Despite this, he takes an active interest in Aiichiro Nitori's training when he is despondent about his progress. He's very protective of Rin, threatening Haruka Nanase not to get in Rin's way as Rin pursues his Olympic dream. Sosuke thinks of Gou Matsuoka as his own sister. He is hardworking and dedicated to his family, as seen by his participation in a family-run restaurant.


In the moment we're ten feet tall
And how you told me after it all
We'd remember tonight
For the rest of our lives
*****First connection box (left side) starts here.*****

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Morbi id ligula bibendum, elementum elit vel, tincidunt magna. Nulla sollicitudin justo pellentesque malesuada ultrices. Cras faucibus massa sed purus efficitur ornare. Sed fermentum dolor odio, id dignissim ligula consectetur vitae. Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.

Shunichi Kurosaki
*****Second connection box (right side) starts here.*****

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Morbi id ligula bibendum, elementum elit vel, tincidunt magna. Nulla sollicitudin justo pellentesque malesuada ultrices. Cras faucibus massa sed purus efficitur ornare. Sed fermentum dolor odio, id dignissim ligula consectetur vitae. Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.

Ranmaru Kurosaki
Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
Heroes HEROES-------------------------------
**Important** You will note the line above starting with has been added in. When you switch players with one of your own, make sure to add that line to your music player code so that on Firefox the player will be hidden until the top bar is hovered over.

     Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r 's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Dating, Relationships,
Orientation: Gay
Education:Some college
Occupation:Idol/ Teacher/Actor/S Class (Adviser )
Characters: Ruki Kurusaki
Verses: OC, Uta no prince-sama, Idol
Playbys: Date Kyoya, Several, Me
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Anime, Comedy, Crossover, Manga, Music, Romance,
Member Since:May 23, 2020

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   Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r 's Blurbs
About me:
--------------------------ABOUT ME-----------------------------
Who I'd like to meet:
--------------------------LIKE TO MEET------------------------- //IMAGE DIMENSIONS// ===TOPPER=== Topper/Inner Background = width:1100px; height:500px; ===LEFT SIDE=== Personality Table (2 images) = width:150px; height:200px; MoreDetails Table = width:150px; height:150px; Image above Copyright Table = width:500px; height:250px; ===RIGHT SIDE=== MainBio Table = width:300px; height:300px; MainConn/BAE Table = width:600px; height:300px; (This is ONE pic. You don't have to crop it. See that section for more information.) Side/Side Connections (small) Table = width:100px; height:100px; //TEXT TITLES// If your last name, first name, etc is longer than the area, go into About Me and locate the appropriate div class for that section. IE if you need to change the sizing for the first name area, find the div that corresponds to it. "First Name" is housed inside the div class="firstname" under the div class="mainbio"; so go into About Me and find .mainbio .firstname. These are the codes you will need to change font-size, etc. Currently the font-size is 35px; If you need a bit more space, change the font-size to 32px, etc. until your name fits into the slot. General text tip: Changing Letter-spacing, font-size and the font-family (from Arial to something like Arial Narrow for example) can help you fit your text inside a confined/fixed space. **In some areas you will see BIG and SMALL font tags used to increase the font-size of certain lines. These will also be found in About Me under their appropriate sections. IE: The div class MainBio / sub-div class Quote uses BIG and SMALL font tags to change the size of a couple of the lines. You will find the size markers under About Me/.mainbio .quote big and .mainbio .quote small. Etc... //MUSIC PLAYER// SEE THE CITED NOTE UNDER MUSIC PLAYER FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. //LAYOUT COLORS// Colors can be changed more easily in this layout because I have again included a 'color palette' section. It is located at the bottom of About Me. There are ONLY 5 colors in this layout. If, for example, you want to change the light yellow color to something else, you would go to the Color Palette and locate /* Light Yellow Color c8c26c */. In that area, change each c8c26c code to the new color code you have selected. That's all there is to it. TIP: To avoid the potential for issues, exchange a light color for another light color; a dark one, for another dark. IE. If you are replacing the off-white color (eaeaea) with another, try to keep the replacement color a light color as well.

   Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r 's Friend Space
Kurosak¡ ⛎£¡r has 21 friends.
Flirtatious Prince

ルディ・ルビー ღ

⛎a¥ato Ichinos£💞

⛎ooligan ☠R🅾️cker🎸Married❤

✒Romance Novelist💻


Perfect Theorist 《Tokiya》ST⭐RISH

🎶九条 天🎤/

🎷Or@nge Rh@psody🎷

🎹Old Fashion Prince 🎹ST⭐RISH

RockStar♠️ Prodigy💀

Maya Hideyuki


🌹R£d Kn!ght⚔️


Gentle Eyes


千 ◇Re:vale◇

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