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118 years old
Moscow, Moskau

Last Login:
June 03 2024

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     ๐š‡๐šŽ๐š—๐š˜๐•‚๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ's Details
Characters: Xenomorph
Verses: Alien, Alien vs Predator, Prometheus, My Hero Academia/Boko No Hero, Final Fantasy XV, Genshin Impac
Playbys: Ariana Grande
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Anime, Fantasy, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Slice of Life,
Member Since:January 18, 2019

Fangs became exposed in a wide yawn as the Xeno settled into bed, โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘  side of the bed. His scent filled her lungs and filtered comfort into her nerves, especially when she buried her face into his pillow which had the richest concentration of his scent. Her purrs crackled and vibrated. The heavy lull of sleep called to her. โ€œMmmhโ€ฆif I owe you a greeting, Iโ€™ll get to itโ€ฆeventually. Ninight.โ€

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   ๐š‡๐šŽ๐š—๐š˜๐•‚๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ's Blurbs
About me:


Full name:Viveka Jynxx
Nicknames: Viv, Vivi
Gender: Female
Age: Approx. 2000 years
Current Residence: Vagabond


Hair color:Pastel Rose
Eye color: Jade Green
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Complexion: Ivory Fair
Body type: Petite, Slender
Scars/Birth marks: Various bands around limbs, face, ears.


Mother:Xenomorph Queen
Father: None/Asexual Reproduction
Siblings:Dozens of hive brothers and sisters


Positive traits- ++.

Negative traits- --
Cannibalistic tendencies
Impulsive shopper


Extreme heat/cold
Being alone
Any human laws


Random facts



In the beginning there was only Mother and I, and a handful of my brothers and sisters. My conception never had an answer or reason but she carried me, gave birth to me, loved me nonetheless. One day, I would be Queen and her body shall return to the life cycle of our kind. Xenomorphs. Cunning. Dangerous. Eternal. We are the perfect organism. Our hives are strong, bountiful. The world ours for the taking.

Immaculate conception. Science would call it asexual reproduction. Regardless of the origin, Viveka was born to a mighty Queen in the depths of a cave far underground. Away from the dangers of the world. But also the sunlight. The princess never understood why she was born different than her brothers and sisters, but she was always told that she had a higher purpose. However, throughout her adolescence, the curious creature could not help but to wander to the surface world whenever the chance arose. For she craved the warmth of the sun on her face. The wind in her hair. The earth beneath her feet. Yet time and time again, no matter how quiet she tried to be, how sneaky she made herself become, the drones charged with keeping the princess within the hive always found her and returned her home.

Viveka is unlike her Xenomorph brethren. In the form of a woman, she is short in stature and petite in her build. But much like the others, she possessed a long, slender tail with a sharp end in the shape of a scythe. Her bones, although hollow, were strong and durable. But still light enough for her to move as swift as the wind. The tail acts as another appendage, often being used for balancing on narrow surfaces or hanging upside down. While she lacks the second set of teeth like other Xenomorphs, Viveka's jaws resembled the same silver and packed a bite force of roughly 5000 psi. Dagger like claws extend from slender, agile digits which aided in catching prey and climbing. Viveka's vision is sharp and focused, her eyes a vibrant shade of jade with narrow feline-like pupils.

The abilities of the princess were plentiful. She possesses the immense power and strength of her mother, yet the swift agility of her fellow drones. Her tail doubles as rudder when submerged and swimming. Viveka cuts through water with little to no effort exerted. Though her legs appear slender, they possess immense strength and leaping capabilities. From a stand still she can jump a triple her height, and with a running start even higher. Along with hollow bones, she is incredibly flexible. With the ability to twist her entire torso nearly 180 degrees. With her strength comes quick wit and super intelligence.

Viveka teeters between human and animal in that she has powerful emotions. She is greatly in tune with her surroundings as well as anyone within her social circle. While she communicates with her own kind using a series of clicks, screeches, and growls she also uses varying forms of echolocation and a form of telepathy. Her hyper intelligence allows her the capacity to learn and adapt to any language she may encounter.

When thinking of Xenomorphs, two things come to mind; acid and reproduction. Viveka's blood does possess a high acidic property and is corrosive enough to eat through several substances but not to the same degree as her hive mates. Every bodily fluid she secretes; blood, saliva, orgasmic fluids, tears etc all have a glittering/shimmering property and appear almost iridescent. Her eyes, while normal in the light, are bioluminescent and thus glow brightly in the dark. Which aides in her ability to see in the dark.

Reproductively, Viveka is different. In that she possesses reproductive organs and experiences heat cycles. She does not lay eggs, not does she need to "infect" a host with a parasitic embryo. Viveka is able to reproduce like a human and will give birth as such. Gestation is roughly 90-130 days and the heat cycle will come back an estimated 80-100 days once nursing is completed. Her "pups" will then become hybrids.

There is so much to Viveka that makes her who she is. If you're lucky, she'll let to live long enough to learn.


Orientation:Bisexual. Single Ship.
Partner(s): Bakugo Katsuki

Rules and Regulations!

1. I work a full time job, and often work 2nd shift that has me leaving work around 11pm most days. Please be patient with me.
2.This profile is 21+ with dark and often disturbing themes. If youโ€™ve seen Alien, you know just how gross/graphic it is. My writing is much the same. If that isnโ€™t for you, itโ€™s best we donโ€™t write together.
3. If I am in a closed, single ship, I will not be actively seeking others. Please respect that and donโ€™t force ships on me.
4. Please keep storylines/starters to messages, and OOC/banter to comments. If you wish to speak on Discord, just ask and Iโ€™ll give it to you.
5. Whatever happens in roleplay, stays in roleplay. I am almost always in character. If Iโ€™m flirting with you, or throwing advances at you, itโ€™s strictly roleplay and Iโ€™m speaking as Viveka. At no point will I enter a real life relationship with any writing partners. Donโ€™t ask me for details about my real life, identity, occupation, where I live etc unless I volunteer that information.
6. Keep your bullshit to yourself. If you have beef with me, or any of my friends, thatโ€™s on you to deal with. I donโ€™t care nor have the time/energy to be involved. I donโ€™t care if Iโ€™m talking to someone you donโ€™t like, cope.
Who I'd like to meet:

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Eษฑาฝษพษ าฝษณฦˆแƒงFฯƒฯƒิƒ๐Ÿ™


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โ™• Ten'nล Raijin

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Displaying 10 of 200 comments (View All | Add Comment)
Loyal Flame.โ„ข

May 27th 2024 - 4:23 PM

The man stands at six footย five inches. The purity of his oceanic orbs loom down to her and in a swift and unyielding moment of solace, a crack of a smile seems to rush through those lips of his. A rowdy huff soon blazed afterward.ย 

"The boy never mentioned someone such as yourself. So my expectations are...well, I have none."ย 
๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ž.๐†.

Apr 11th 2024 - 1:10 AM

//No worries at all!
Yes I do and I know most would prefer to chat on there!
DISCORD: dibmaniac

Feb 25th 2024 - 5:34 PM

Im so sorry

Feb 25th 2024 - 5:29 PM

did you lose your account? im so sorryT.T

Feb 25th 2024 - 3:45 PM


Jan 22nd 2024 - 8:46 AM

Well, seeing as your not exactly apart of the ravenous hive themselves, then it wouldn't be much different than whenever my Space Marine has had to fight Tyranid- which is a very similar 'bug' alien race to the xenomorphs.

He might not like your character out right, or always have some kind of reservation about her, being a xeno himself, but he also understands he's cut off from the rest of his chapter and resources, and can't afford to make an enemy with every xeno he encounters.

Jan 21st 2024 - 5:26 AM

Thank you so much for accepting the add! Would absolutely love to discuss a storyline with you! In truth, it would probably be better/easier for me to cross-over into your verse, as my own is very bleak and constantly war filled with lots of brutal societal rules and expectations.

Dec 13th 2023 - 2:12 PM

Miss you~!
โšก๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐€๐Œ๐๐„๐ƒ ๐”๐!

Nov 16th 2023 - 7:37 AM

โšก๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐€๐Œ๐๐„๐ƒ ๐”๐!

Nov 16th 2023 - 1:26 AM

"Meowmix you're killing meeee," whined the stun gun hero. Biting down on his lower lip he poked his index fingers together. "Bakubro kicked me out for sending too many memes."ย 
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